Its a commonly heard saying in business, "Under promise, over deliver." However, it seems like more and more REALTORs get a bad rap for promising the moon and failing to deliver. Why do you think that is? And isn't that flying in the face of the previously quoted conventional wisdom? As agents, our job is to get listings and buyers. Even better when we can get both, but are you promising something that you cant deliver? Personally, I feel it is a matter of integrity to offer only what you can provide. A put your money where your mouth is situation. If you offer something do it!! And throw a little bonus in on the side to sweeten the deal. Going the extra mile is what will make people come back to you for help in the future!
When it comes to buyers and sellers having expectations, one of the things that will help out immensely is "front loading". Meaning at the beginning be honest with your clients. Have a net sheet drawn up, show how much commissions will be. Be honest about closing costs and what the cost will be to sell the home. If you are in a tricky situation i.e. short sale, show them the cost to sell versus the cost to carry the mortgage for the home for however long they want to stay and wait it out. In 99% of cases in real estate, honesty really is your best policy!!
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